Sewage Treatment Pla...

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from domestic and municipal wastewater, containing mainly household sewage plus some industrial wastewater. Physical, chemical, and biological processes are used to remove contaminants and produce treated wastewater (or treated effluent) that is safe enough for release into the environment. A by-product of sewage treatment is a semi-solid waste or slurry, called sewage sludge. The sludge has to undergo further treatment before being suitable for disposal or application to land

Alantech is a specialist in water treatment that develops wastewater treatment solutions that are adapted to local conditions, meet health standards and protect water resources and biodiversity. As well as treating water, the plants designed by Alantech also allow, where appropriate, for the reuse of wastewater, in keeping with the regulations applying to the environment and public health.

In-house Expertise in 

  • managing a wide range of wastewater
  • treatment technologies to meet all kinds of treatment objective
  • designing and constructing energy robust & small footprint treatment facilities
  • sludge treatment for safe disposal/reuse/production of non-conventional energy.
  • plant odour treatment & mitigation
  • operation and maintenance preserving and prolonging the useful life of the assets.

Concern for 

  • health and safety, which is the essence of all our activities - from plant design & construction to operation and maintenance
  • ecology and the environment

Extensive O&M experience

  • managing variations in the wastewater quality
  • Optimizes the day-to-day performance of facilities
  • House-keeping

Technological cooperation creates value and differentiation

With our expertise in water treatment and experience acquired at numerous plants, Alantech teams up with appropriate equipment manufacturers to develop and optimize new treatment solutions, new energy recovery systems and new sources of alternative energy.

In addition, by calling on partners to contribute on know-how outside our own areas of expertise, Alantech has extended its scope, competitiveness, project delivery services and after sales for the long term benefit of our clients.

Dedicated specialist teams

Having experts in design, build, equipment and operation, Alantech is able to draw on the particular skills of its employees for each project to create a response that meets the specific needs of its customers.

The commitment and motivation of the team enable Alantech to deliver high performance, energy-efficient and reliable plants to our customers, within short timescales and at an optimal capital and operating cost, and to guarantee the quality of water required by the natural receiving environment or the objective for which the water is reused.

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