Why Iron Removal is Essential in Drinking Water?

Jul 11, 2024

Iron is a mineral that our bodies need to grow and develop. However, if there is more than 0.3 mg/L of iron in water, it can turn the water red or brown and make it taste bad. Having too much iron in drinking water can also cause other problems. Thus, iron removal in drinking water is essential.

Taste and Aesthetics

Too much iron in water can cause it to smell bad and change color which makes it less pleasant to look at and drink.

Health Problems

While iron is essential for our health, too much can lead to iron overload especially in people with conditions like hemochromatosis.

Water Quality Standards

Due to the potential health risks and the impact on water's look and taste, drinking water standards set limits on how much iron can be present. These standards help ensure that the water is safe for everyone.

Piping Systems & Appliances

Iron can build up in appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters, as well as in plumbing. This buildup can shorten their lifespan and increase maintenance and replacement costs.

Stain and Damage

Water with high iron levels can stain and damage clothes, toilets, basins, and bathtubs. These stains are tough to remove which further require extra time and money to clean.

Customer Satisfaction

People prefer clear and odor-free water for drinking and other uses. Iron removal in drinking water improves water quality which makes it more appealing and safer.

Environmental Impact

High levels of iron in untreated water can harm plants and animals when released into the environment.

How an Excess Iron Content Affect Human Health and Overall Well-being?

Drinking water with a lot of iron can harm your health and wellbeing in many ways which are as follows.

  • Staining of Teeth and Mouth: Water with too much iron can turn your teeth and mouth brown or yellow.
  • Digestive Issues: High iron levels in water can cause stomach problems like aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Iron Overload: Drinking water with a lot of iron over time can lead to iron overload especially in people with conditions like hemochromatosis. This can damage organs such as the liver, pancreas, and heart.
  • Decreased Absorption of Other Nutrients: Too much iron from water can prevent your body from absorbing other important nutrients like zinc and copper which lead to deficiencies.
  • Impact on Children and Pregnant Women: Children and pregnant women are especially at risk from too much iron. While rare in healthy kids, iron overdose can affect a child's growth and development. For pregnant women, it can increase the risk of miscarriage and affect the baby’s health.

What are the Sources of Iron in the Drinking Water?

Iron can enter drinking water from various natural and man-made sources. There are several reasons given below why iron might be in drinking water.

Natural Sources

  • Geological Sources: Iron is naturally found in rocks and soil. When water moves through these areas, it can dissolve iron especially in regions with iron-rich rocks.
  • Aquifer Conditions: Aquifers which are underground water sources often contain dissolved iron. This is common in areas where groundwater is the main source of drinking water.

Corrosion of Pipes and Plumbing

Old buildings with iron pipes or plumbing can have iron in the water due to corrosion. This is more likely in systems with slightly acidic water and low oxygen levels which speed up corrosion.

Well Water

Private wells often have iron contamination because they tap into groundwater which usually contains high levels of iron. Wells near iron-rich minerals or rocks are especially prone to this.

Industrial Discharges

Iron can get into rivers and lakes from industrial activities, mining, or areas with lots of iron. These discharges can increase the iron levels in surface water sources.

Seasonal Variations

Heavy rain can wash iron from soil and rocks into the water supply which temporarily increase iron levels.

What Method is Adopted to Remove Iron From Water?

Regularly checking water quality and using drinking water treatment methods when needed is important to keep iron levels safe for drinking. Iron can be removed based on its concentration and form (dissolved or solid). Have a look at some of the common drinking water treatment methods below to remove iron from water.

Oxidation and Filtration

  • Aeration: When iron in water is in a dissolved form (Fe2+), aerating the water can turn it into an insoluble form (Fe3+). This process will create solid iron particles that can be filtered out.
  • Filtration: Once iron is oxidized into solid particles, these can be removed using different filters like sand filters, cartridge filters, or multimedia filters.
    Chemical Oxidation Followed by Filtration

Adding chemical oxidants such as chlorine, ozone, or potassium permanganate to the water changes iron from Fe2+ to Fe3+. After this, filtration is used to remove the oxidized iron particles.

Ion Exchange

Water softeners with ion exchange resins can also remove small amounts of iron. The resin swaps sodium ions for iron ions in the water.

Biological Iron Removal

Certain bacteria can oxidize iron which makes it easier to filter. This method is suitable for water with low iron concentrations.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

The drinking water filter system like RO system removes dissolved iron and other contaminants. They are usually used for water with low iron concentrations or as a final treatment step.

Iron Removal Filter

These specialized filters efficiently remove iron from water. Depending on the type and concentration of iron, these filters work through oxidation followed by filtration. Manganese greensand is a common filter media used for this purpose. The manganese dioxide coating helps oxidize dissolved iron (Fe2+) into an insoluble form (Fe3+). The oxidized iron forms solid particles that are trapped in the filter media.


Iron is one of the most common elements in the Earth's crust. Groundwater often gets contaminated with iron in its (+ II) form. Although iron is essential for humans, too much of it in groundwater can make the water unusable due to issues like discoloration, metallic taste, bad smell, cloudiness, and staining of laundry. Providing safe drinking water is a universal human need thus effective and efficient water treatment is important.

You can reach out to Alantech where you can get affordable water treatment plants in Kerala, India. You can make a huge difference in your drinking water with our best drinking water filter system. We also offer a full range of water treatment products and services to give you reliable and cost-effective solutions. With over 12 years of experience in creating and installing drinking water systems, and commercial and industrial water treatment plants, Alantech has the expertise and support you need for effective water management.


Iron Removal in Drinking Water

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